It seems like forever since we begged our parents to buy us the latest toy or the latest trend. We were often told that buying too many toys was a waste of money. However, if you happen to still have any of the old toys on this list lying around in your closet, they may actually be worth some cash. In fact, the nostalgic value is nothing compared to the large dollar value of several of the toys on this list.
Check to see if you have any old toys worth money:
The Game Boy
Nowadays, video games have advanced so far that some games are hard to distinguish from reality. It is difficult to imagine that just forty years ago we had a small handheld game that could barely run 8-bit programs. The Game Boy may seem like a small achievement in hindsight, but it was a console that introduced iconic games like Tetris to the masses. The major success of The Game Boy lead to the release of The Game Boy Color and eventually the Game Boy Advance SP. nintendo continues to release powerful handheld gaming consoles like The Switch, but it all started with the simple Game Boy. While it can’t run most games that we are used to today, it can still be sold for around $79.99 on most platforms.
The Real Ghost Busters Fire House Head Quarters

The Ghost Busters were a likable band of heroes that helped keep their city safe and fought off larger than life ghosts. It is no surprise that children all over the world wanted to run home and create their own zany stories about ghosts and The Ghost Busters. If you were one of those kids and bought your very own Ghost Busters Fire House Head Quarters you may be in luck. This particular toy is worth hundreds of dollars used. If you happened to be a kid with an insane amount of self-control, an unopened box of the Ghost Busters Fire House Head Quarters can be sold for over $600.00.
FireBall Island Board Game

Fireballs, Gods, and volcanoes, what is there not to love about the FireBall Island Board Game? There have been several variations of FireBall Island, but if you have a complete set from 1986, you can sell that to a board game collector for hundreds of dollars. If I were you, I would definitely play a few last games with my friends before selling it.
My Buddy Doll
A My Buddy Doll toy is almost as recognizable as the jingle that would play on television when their commercials came on. These dolls were an instant hit when Hasbro released them, and continue to be sought after even forty years later. A My Buddy Doll can be sold for almost $100 on any platform. The My Buddy Sister Doll can fetch around $125.
Strawberry Shortcake Doll House
Strawberry Shortcake dolls were released in the early 1980s. They hold a special place in our hearts because they signify a simpler time where all we needed were cute toys and our imagination. It is for that same reason, the vintage Strawberry Shortcake Doll House continues to rise in price. The current market price for this toy is just over $1200 and may be sold for even more.
American Girl Dolls

Do you remember these lifelike dolls that had impeccable fashion? We certainly hope you do and we hope you have one of these old toys lying around somewhere. Although the debuted in the mid-’80s, they live on as rare collectible dolls. If you own a first edition American Girl doll with her accessories you can expect at least a few thousand dollars for it. To put things in perspective, the original Samantha doll was recently sold for over $4000 and American Dolls are still being sold for these outrageous prices. These incredibly popular toys were flying off the shelf, especially as young girls everywhere saw themselves in the dolls and related to their stories. Even if these dolls don’t bring you as much happiness now as they did when you were a kid, you might be happy to know that your interests were ultimately profitable.
Laser Light Skeletor
Skeletor is one of the most iconic villains of the ’80s, but it didn’t always seem that way. The sales of He-Man toys were actually on the decline in the United States so Mattel decided to release a special edition Laser Light Skeletor. This old toy was actually not even sold in the United States which makes it a rare addition to any collection. While it is very difficult to find any remaining original Laser Light Skeletors if you do have one you can expect to receive over $300 for it. One still sealed figure sold overseas in 2012 along with a Laser Power He-Man for over $11,000!
Care Bears

A group of bears that care about the world around them…what more could you ask for? Care Bears were often sold in bunches and it was not odd to have a small army of care bears ready to be played with. However, if your collection of care bears are vintage enough and large enough you may be able to sell them for thousands of dollars. Some collections of Care Bears have sold for over $6000 and single bears sell regularly for over $150.
Megatron G1 Transformer
Transformers toys, in general, were wildly successful, but the Megatron G1 transformer stands out as one of the more successful and bizarre old toys. It is simply a gun that is known for being very realistic looking and bearing the Decepticon logo. If your parents purchased a Megatron Gun for you, you are in luck. The Megatron Gun can actually be sold for thousands of dollars and significantly more if you kept the gun in the box. A sealed AFA 80 Megatron G1 Pre-Rub recently sold on eBay for over $8000.
Mego Elastic Batman
The world’s greatest detective, the dark knight, and also the most expensive old toy on this list. Remember the old Stretch Armstrong toys? This was the Batman version. With one version selling on eBay for over $15,000, the Mego Elastic Batman is definitely the prize of any collection. The winner of the $15,000 auction thinks that these days the same toy in the same condition could sell for as much as $40,000. There are rumored to be only two known existing Mego Batman’s in mint condition. If you were a fan of this caped crusader as a child, we hope you did not open your Mego Elastic Batman and have the third sitting in mom’s dusty attic right now.
Polly Pocket

These miniature toys were a staple for imaginative kids everywhere who wanted some portable fun. These little dollhouse playsets can bring in the big bucks, especially if you have some of their limited and rare sets. The most valuable sets are those created by Bluebird Toys in the ’90s and have sold on eBay for up to $241.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Action Figures

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a band of humanoid turtles that fought crime. The four turtles were named after famous Renaissance Italian Artists. The tales of these Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) began in comics, but transitioned to almost every media imaginable. The tale of the TMNT started in the 1980’s but their popularity continues to grow today. Within the last decade there have been multiple full-length TMNT movies released as major motion pictures. However, if you were a fan of the Ninja Turtles as a child we have great news. If you own a 1989 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelo action figure then you could make some serious cash. Currently on eBay, that particular action figure can be sold for over $1,695 dollars.
PEZ Dispensers

We all knew people who loved to collect these fun, candy-filled toys! If you were one of them, you’ll be happy to know that there are tons of people trying to expand their collection that will be ecstatic to take your unwanted dispensers off your hands. Obviously the more rare the dispenser, the more cash it will bring you. A recent exclusive dispenser was sold on eBay for upwards of $200. If you’re curious as to the going rate for your collectible, there’s an eBay buying guide that you can take a look at.
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh is an anime that focuses on friendship and trying to become the king of games. In many ways, the show was a great way to encourage kids to buy hundreds of Yu-Gi-Oh cards so that they could also become the King of Games. However, it could be lucrative to open your old tin box of Yu-Gi-Oh cards to check if you have any super rare or ultra-rare cards. In fact, if you used to enter tournaments some of those limited edition cards can run for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. With just a handful of rare Yu-Gi-Oh cards you could pay off your rent and take that vacation you always wanted!
Nerf Super Soaker
Do you still have those great memories of soaking your friends by blasting them with water guns on hot summer days? Of all of the old toys worth money, I think these are the most often overlooked. If you happened to keep those childhood Super Soakers, you could rake in the big bucks by selling certain models online. Each model’s value inevitably fluctuates depending on supply and demand, but recently the highly coveted Monster Super Soaker sold on $380 on eBay.
He-Man Masters of the Universe

He-Man is a fantastical character that holds a special place in the hearts of adults that grew up in the ’80s. Back in the day, there was nothing cooler than owning several of the characters from the Masters Of The Universe play-set. Currently, there is still a lot of value that you can glean from a 1986 Masters Of The Universe Set. This is because the current market value of that current playset is over $2,500 dollars.

Admittedly, Furbies were one of the creepiest electronic pets to hit the shelves, but we all loved them anyway. People went crazy for Furbies and they were easily one of the highest selling toys in the ’90s. If you were one of the lucky ones to purchase an original Furby, it can now make you hundreds of dollars on eBay, which is a great profit from the amount you probably bought it for.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

You might be surprised to hear that it’s not just old toys that will earn you some extra cash, but possibly old books that you might have stored in the back of your library. I think the vast majority of us read the Harry Potter series as kids and it brings back high levels of nostalgia for most. It might also bring in a high price for first edition copies of the first book in the installment, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, which sold recently for a whopping $6,500. The price may even go up to as high as $15,000 if you have a copy signed by the author J.K. Rowling herself, as long as it’s been kept in good condition.

These fun foldable toys were so popular that television shows and movies were created about them. If you’re ready to let go of some of your favorite Transformers, they can thank you for years of fun in the form of cash. If you have an entire set of the original Transformers figurines, it can make you millions on eBay. Even individual figurines in great condition can make you hundreds of dollars.
Beanie Babies

These adorable, squishy toys were the favorite collector’s item for toy fanatics everywhere. Their massive variety and fun backstories made them the perfect gift for every occasion. Though not every Beanie Baby in your collection will be worth much, if you happen to have one of several rare editions of these toys, you’ll easily be able to find people who will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for them.

How could anyone forget about these iconic dolls that surely filled the toy bin of almost every household in America? These toys are still bought every day and have been coming out with models of different genders and races. If you’re digging through your own Barbie collection and find that you have some of the old and rare models, such as the original Barbie doll or the Karl Lagerfeld Platinum Label doll, you may be able to sell those for thousands or even millions of dollars.
Monopoly Boards

The hours spent playing this infuriating game with friends and family were both the best times and the worst. Surely many relationships were ruined over tense games of Monopoly, but perhaps they can be rekindled if you have one of the Limited Edition boards! Collectors of vintage and Limited Edition Monopoly boards are willing to dish out thousands of dollars to expand their collection. The only question then is whether or not you’re willing to let it go.
Happy Meal Toys

As it turns out, those iconic yellow arches are good for more than just providing you with a delicious, albeit unhealthy, meal. There are actually quite a few Happy Meal toys worth money. The toys that used to come with your McDonald’s Happy Meal can now bring you just as much joy as they did when you found them in your meal as a kid. Since McDonald’s only released a certain amount of each toy before switching them out of rotation, some of these toys are considered incredibly rare and desirable to toy collectors. If you’re curious as to just how much some might make you, one Happy Meal toy went on sale for an incredible $7,500.
Glitter and Gold Jem Doll
Before Hannah Montana there was Jem and the Holograms. The show revolved around Jessica Benton, a responsible music company owner who doubles as the pop star Jem. A plotline that runs throughout the entire show is her struggles of keeping her two separate lives…separate. It’s an endearing show about identity and the price of fame. If you are looking to relive your childhood and purchase a Jem and the Holograms doll you may have to think twice. The Glitter and Gold Jem Doll is currently going for over $200 dollars on eBay.
Where the Wild Things Are

Kids and parents everywhere were completely captivated by this children’s book that provided stunning pictures and an imaginative story. It was so popular that it was even turned into a movie! This beloved story now sells for much higher than its original sticker price if you happen to have a first edition copy. If you’re still unhappy with the $50 you can make, you can make up to $4000 for a signed copy of the first edition.
Mall Madness
Everyone knows that people in the ’90s were as crazy about their board games as they were about their malls. Mall Madness was the genius game that combined the fun of both activities. If you happen to have one of the original Mall Madness game sets, you can sell it online for $400, proving that nostalgia is a powerful incentive.
Hot Wheels

These toys were enjoyed and collected by children and adults alike, especially as many of them were miniature versions of people’s favorite car models. Because of the popularity of this toy, there were thousands of different models released. This makes the limited edition Hot Wheels worth even more! If you happen to look through your collection and find a 1969 pink “Beach Bomb” VW Bus, you’ll also find yourself $100,000 richer. If not, there are also other rare Hot Wheels that you can resell for hundreds of dollars.
What if you have newer toys? Can those be sold for some extra cash? Well, there’s good and bad news. The bad news is that if your toys are still in circulation and don’t have any rarity value, then it’s not likely that you can make much money off of them. However, don’t get too down on yourself! There are plenty of newer toys that have skyrocketing values, such as certain editions of collectible Funko Pop figurines. If there’s anything that we can be sure of, it is that the nostalgia attached to toys is enough to make people willing to spend hundreds of dollars for them! Perhaps in another thirty years, the ‘newer’ toys may induce the same feelings of nostalgia that we have for toys of our past.
Be sure to sort through the toys in your closet, you may find that you’ve actually amassed a treasure trove.