For most people, the original Star Wars trilogy features a memorable cast of characters. A New Hope came out in 1977 and became an instant classic around the world. This article is a comprehensive list of all the major Star Wars character names that we have come to know and love today. For context, the original trilogy consists of the movies A New Hope (1977), The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Return of the Jedi (1983). In the early 2000s, a prequel trilogy was released, effectively making the original movies Episodes IV, V, and VI respectively.
Luke Skywalker

Played by Mark Hammill, Luke Skywalker is the main protagonist of Star Wars. He is the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. Prior to his adventures, Luke lived on Tattooine with his adoptive parents, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. When Luke purchases C-3PO and R2-D2 from a flea market, he discovers a message from Leia Organa imploring for help against the evil Galactic Empire. Obi-Wan Kenobi eventually finds Luke on Tattooine and reveals his true heritage to Luke, even giving Luke his father’s original lightsaber. At first, Luke is hesitant to train to become a Jedi, but after stormtroopers raid his home and murder his adoptive parents, Luke agrees to join Obi-Wan and learn from him on the planet of Alderaan.
Luke teams up with Han Solo and Chewbacca to save Leia Organa on the Death Star. Afterward doing so, Luke joins the Rebel Alliance’s attack on the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin. While piloting his X-Wing fighter, Luke hears Obi-Wan’s voice, advising him to trust his feelings and use the Force to aid him on his mission to destroy the Death Star. He does so and is hailed as a hero at the end of the battle.
In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke leads rebel forces in the Battle of Hoth, only to be overwhelmed in a crushing defeat. After the battle, Obi-Wan appears to Luke again, advising him to further his Jedi training under the guidance of Master Yoda in Dagobah. Luke quickly strengthens his Jedi powers under Yoda’s tutelage but leaves prematurely after receiving a vision of his friends Han and Leia running into trouble on the Cloud City of Bespin. He does this despite Yoda and Obi-Wan’s advice against it. Upon arriving at the city, Luke is apprehended by imperial forces, engaging in a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. In that duel, Luke has one of his hands cut off and learns that Darth Vader is his father.
In Return of the Jedi, Luke saves Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. He then returns to Dagobah to complete his Jedi training with Yoda, only to learn that Yoda is dying. Yoda and Obi-Wan (appearing as a ghost) convince Luke that he must face Vader again to complete his training. He does so by surrendering to Imperial forces on Endor. In the final meeting between Luke and Vader, they engage in a second lightsaber duel in front of a spectating Darth Sidious. While Luke is able to emerge victorious this time, he refuses to kill Vader at Darth Sidious’s request. As a result, Sidious tortures Luke with his electric powers. Luke implores his father to save him, which he does by throwing Sidious down a reactor shaft. Luke and Vader have one final moment face to face aboard an imploding Death Star. Luke has a funeral for his father on Endor, and the trilogy ends with him seeing his father as a ghost alongside Yoda and Obi-Wan.
Leia Skywalker

Also known as Leia Organa, she is one of the main female characters of the original Star Wars trilogy. First introduced as the leader of the Rebel Alliance, Leia Skywalker is the biological twin sister of Luke Skywalker (This fact is not revealed until much later in the original Star Wars). She is captured by imperial forces in A New Hope and is rescued by Luke Skywalker and Han Solo from the Death Star. She is fearless and often serves as the voice of reason amongst her brash male counterparts. She goes on to marry Han Solo at the conclusion of the original trilogy’s story arc. In the modern trilogy (Episodes VII-IX), Leia becomes the leader of the Resistance, a rebel force created to oppose the ruthless First Order. Leia is played by the late Carrie Fisher, who propelled Leia as one of the most iconic characters.
Darth Sidious

Also known as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Darth Sidious is a Dark Lord of the Sith who served as a Galactic senator from Naboo prior to the original trilogy. Darth Sidious engineered the Clone Wars to overtake the Republic and become the ruler of the Galactic Empire. He was trained by Darth Plagueis and he eventually killed Plagueis in order to take control of the Sith. Sidious served as a master to several other Sith Lords, namely Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Darth Vader. Sidious is killed by Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. Sidious wields the unusual ability to shoot electricity out of his fingers. It is unknown whether he is able to use the force as is traditionally showcased by Jedis. He always appears wearing a hooded black robe. In the few instances where he does show his face, we see he has an incredibly wrinkled face with several bags under his beady, yellow eyes.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ben)

Introduced in A New Hope, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the former master of Anakin Skywalker, who would later go on to become Darth Vader. Obi-Wan discovers Luke Skywalker in Tattooine living with his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Obi-Wan becomes Luke’s Jedi master, training him up until he is murdered by Darth Vader aboard the original Death Star. Obi-Wan reappears to Luke as a ghost in future episodes of the original trilogy to inspire hope and offer advice. At the time of the original trilogy, Obi-Wan has grown old and has a scruffy beard. He lives mostly as a hermit and is one of the three remaining Jedis, along with Yoda and eventually Luke Skywalker. He is played by Alec Guinness.
Han Solo

The captain of the Millennium Falcon. Solo is a galactic thief who joins the Rebellion and befriends Luke Skywalker. In A New Hope, Solo helps Skywalker save Leia Organa from aboard the Death Star. In The Empire Strikes Back, Solo fights in the Battle of Hoth. Afterward, he seeks refuge in the Cloud City with Leia Organa, only to be captured by the bounty hunter, Boba Fett. He is turned over to Jabba the Hutt, who encases Han in carbonite, due to his outstanding debts. Solo is saved by Lando Calrissian from Jabba in Return of the Jedi and goes on to help the Rebels in one last mission on the planet of Endor. Solo marries Leia Organa at the end of the original trilogy.
Played by the incomparable Harrison Ford, fans love Han Solo for his acerbic sense of humor and dashing good looks. Although he has a checkered past, Solo proves himself to be a loyal friend and fearless fighter with the Rebel Alliance.

A Wookie from the planet of Endor who serves as Han Solo’s partner in crime. Chewbacca is a large furry creature resembling Sasquatch. Although Chewbacca does not speak English, he communicates through grunts and roars which is somehow understood by most characters in the Star Wars universe.
Lando Calrissian

Lando Calrissian is a former thief and longtime friend of Han Solo. He is the original owner of the Millennium Falcon, but he lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo after a risky gamble. Calrissian is also the leader of the Cloud City in Bespin. In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader forces Calrissian to assist him in capturing Rebel forces, including Leia and Han Solo, in exchange for keeping the Cloud City out of Imperial control. Calrissian does so, but Vader retracts on the original agreement to Calrissian’s dismay. As a result, Calrissian urges his people to evacuate the city. After turning over Solo to Vader, Calrissian is overcome with guilt and tracks Solo (encased in carbonite) to Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tattooine and rescues him. Afterward, Calrissian serves as general in the Rebel Alliance and leads the attack on the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. Calrissian is the only black character featured in the original Star Wars trilogy.
Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker

The leader of the Galactic Empire, Darth Vader was a former Jedi who went by the name of Anakin Skywalker. Anakin was driven to the dark side by the cunning Sith Lord Darth Sidious before the time of the original trilogy and henceforth came to be known as Darth Vader. He wears a full suit and helmet as a result of hideous burns he received after dueling his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet of Mustafar. He is best known for the robotic breathing noise emanating from his suit and his force choke. He fights with a red lightsaber and is the only character in the original Star Wars trilogy to wield a saber of this color. In Return of the Jedi, Vader duels his son Luke Skywalker aboard the second Death Star. At the end of that duel, Darth Sidious attempts to kill Luke by electrocuting him, but Vader decides to save his son by killing Sidious, redeeming himself and putting an end to the Galactic Empire. We only see Vader’s true face at the end of Return of the Jedi when Luke removes his mask. Vader dies aboard the second Death Star. Darth Vader is arguably the most well-known fictional villain from any cinematic franchise. The phrase “I am your father,” told by Vader to Luke in their first lightsaber duel in Cloud City, is one of the most famous quotes in movie history.

A Jedi master who trains Luke Skywalker on the planet of Dagobah. Yoda escaped to the planet of Dagobah after the fall of the Jedi in the era preceding the original trilogy. Yoda is a tiny green figure with large, furry ears that stick out from the side of his head. However, don’t let his cuteness fool you. Yoda wields tremendous power and mastery of the Force. It is unknown what species Yoda is supposed to be. Yoda is best known for his wisdom and speaking the second half of his sentences first which is very unusual.
Admiral Gial Ackbar

Admiral Akbar is the commander of the Rebel fleet. He famously led the attack on the second death star in the third installment of the original trilogy, Return of the Jedi. In popular culture, fans remember him for the one-off phrase, “It’s a trap!” His appearance resembles that of a squid with a giant red head and eyes on either side.

R2-D2 is an astromech droid that services the Rebel Alliance. R2 is one of the most recognizable characters from the Star Wars universe. Although it is unable to talk, fans endear R2-D2 as a loveable robot who is still able to communicate with all of the characters effectively. R2-D2 is fearless and is always able to surprise characters with its large array of functions.
A protocol droid created by Anakin Skywalker in the Phantom Menace, but first appearing in A New Hope. C-3PO is best known for being a sidekick to R2-D2 and assisting the Rebel forces in all of their missions. He is a tall, gold figure who moves in a herky-jerky manner, shuffling everywhere he goes. He presumably knows almost everything there is to know in the Star Wars universe, but despite his astronomical intelligence, he usually serves as comic relief in moments of tension. He always introduces himself by saying “I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.”
Raymus Antilles
Raymus was a captain of the Sith battleship, Tantive IV. Raymus was strangled to death by Darth Vader in a New Hope. Raymus was also the last person to own C-3PO and R2-D2 before they came into Luke Skywalker’s possession.
Ponda Baba

Also known as Walrus Man, Ponda Baba is a mercenary who attempts to assassinate Luke Skywalker in the Mos Eisley cantina. In the attempt, Baba gets his arm cut off by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Moradmin Bast

An imperial general aboard the first Death Star. Bast is the one who advises Grand Moff Tarkin to evacuate the Death Star during the Rebel attack in A New Hope.
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin

The commanding officer of the original Death Star. Tarkin is killed in the Rebel attack that destroyed the Death Star in A New Hope.
Boba Fett

A bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe. He is a clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett, who does not appear until the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Boba Fett is hired by Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back to find the Millennium Falcon, the ship of Han Solo and Chewbacca. In Return of the Jedi, Boba Fett brings Han Solo to Jabba the Hut, frozen in carbonite. Boba Fett is eventually killed when he falls into the mouth of Jabba’s Sarlacc during the opening scene of Return of the Jedi.
Owen Lars
Luke Skywalker’s adoptive father. He and his wife Beru are killed on Tattooine by stormtroopers who come to capture Luke.

Beru Lars
The wife of Owen Lars. She is killed by stormtroopers who come to capture Luke Skywalker on Tattooine.

A bounty hunter killed by Han Solo in the Mos Eisley cantina. Greedo serves Jabba the Hut.
Jabba the Hutt

A notorious crime boss who first appears in Return of the Jedi. Jabba employs several bounty hunters, including Boba Fett. Jabba is a massive creature who wields an immense amount of political and criminal influence. He operates out of a castle in the deserts of Tattooine. Jabba is killed by Leia Skywalker, who strangles him to death while under his captivity.
Wes Janson

A fighter pilot of the Rebel Alliance. He is a founding member of the Rogue Squadron.
Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod

The commanding officer of the second Death Star. Darth Vader tasks Jerjerrod with the completion of the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi.
A Gamorrean guard employed by Jabba the Hutt. Jubnuk is eaten alive by the Rancor in Return of the Jedi
General Crix Madine

A Rebel Alliance leader who conjures up the plan to destroy the shield generator of the second Death Star.
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti

An officer on the Death Star who questions Darth Vader’s sith powers and is almost choked to death by Vader.
Jan Dodonna

Leading general of the Rebel base on Yavin IV. He engineers the attack on the first Death Star in A New Hope. Dodonna is the first character to say the phrase “May the Force Be with You.”
Zev Senesca

A pilot of the Rogue Squadron first appearing in The Empire Strikes Back. He is designated as Rogue Two and rides a snowspeeder. Senesca dies during the Battle of Hoth going up against Imperial AT-AT walkers. In that same battle, Senesca locates Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, who had been separated from the Rebel base in Hoth.

An Ewok first appearing in Return of the Jedi. Paploo plays a crucial role in the Rebel mission on Endor, stealing a speeder bike from Imperial scout troopers as a distraction.
Sim Aloo
An advisor to Emperor Palpatine. Aloo sits on the Imperial Ruling Council. He is killed on the second Death Star.
Chief Chirpa

Chief of an Ewok tribe in Return of the Jedi

A guard employed by Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi. Klaatu is a green Nikto, which is a sentient species from the planet Kintan. Klaatu is killed aboard Jabba the Hutt’s floating barge during the failed execution of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.
Xamuel Lennox
An imperial navy captain of the Star Destroyer Tyrant. Lennox was a member of Darth Vader’s Death Squadron.

A cyborg first introduced in The Empire Strikes Back. Lobot is Lando Calrissian’s aide. He is programmed with a special implant that provides him access to Cloud City’s central computer. He helps Lando evacuate the Cloud City after it falls under imperial control.

The keeper of Jabba the Hutt’s monster, Rancor, in Tattooine.
Mon Mothma

A former Republic senator who, after the fall of the Republic, founded the Rebel Alliance. She plans the Battle on Endor.
Captain Lorth Needa

A captain of the empire who is killed by Darth Vader for his inability to capture the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back. He was the captain of the Star Destroyer, Avenger.
Willrow Hood

Willrow Hood is a resident of Cloud City, seen scrambling to escape as Darth Vader descends on the metropolis. A fan favorite amongst the original Star Wars characters, the actor portraying Willrow Hood improvised an ice cream machine as a futuristic device in this scene, earning him the fan name of Ice Cream Guy.

IG-88 is a member of the IG series of assassin droids developed by Halowan Labs. He is one of the bounty hunters, alongside Boba Fett, who assembled on the Executor and were hired by Darth Vader to capture Han Solo.

Dengar is a bounty hunter from Corellia, the planet that the Millenium Falcon was built on. He is another one of the bounty hunters hired by Darth Vader to capture Han Solo. While Dengar is beaten out by Boba Fett in securing Han Solo, he is seen again at Jabba the Hutt’s palace when Luke comes to rescue Han Solo.

4-LOM is a bounty hunter droid. Originally a member of the LOM series of protocol droids, similar to C-3PO, 4-LOM overrode his programming to become a fearsome thief, bounty hunter, and assassin. He is one of the bounty hunters hired by Darth Vader to capture Han Solo in Episode V.

Oola was one of the enslaved Twi’lek dancers kept captive inside of Jabba the Hutt’s palace. In Episode VI, she struggles against Jabba’s advances and is subsequently dropped through a trapdoor and fed to his pet Rancor, foreshadowing Luke’s fate. Oola is one of the few Star Wars characters from the original trilogy played by a woman of color.
Admiral Kendal Ozzel

Admiral Ozzel was the chief officer aboard the Executor, Darth Vader’s personal Imperial naval ship. After his failures in leading the attacks against the Rebel Alliance on Hoth, Ozzel was executed by Vader and succeeded by his subordinate, Firmus Piett.
Admiral Firmus Piett

Admiral Piett was an imperial officer aboard Darth Vader’s flagship, the Executor, during the events of Episode V and Episode VI. When the previous chief officer on the Executor, Admiral Ozzel, was executed, Piett assumed his position. Admiral Piett is killed in Episode VI when a Rebel A-Wing fighter crashes into the Executor’s command deck. “
Wedge Antilles

Wedge Antilles is a childhood friend of Luke Skywalker and a co-founder of the Rebel Rogue Squadron along with Luke. As a former Imperial pilot, his knowledge of Imperial tactics and his flying skills led him to be the sole Rebel pilot to have attacked both the Death Star and the Death Star II directly – and lived to tell the tale.

EV-9D9 was a defunct moisture vaporator mechanic droid whose programming errors gave her a sadistic edge, ultimately landing her as the head of droid operations at Jabba’s palace. When C-3PO and R2-D2 arrive at Jabba’s palace in Episode VI, EV-9D9 is the droid that assigns them their respective jobs.
Nien Nunb

Nien Nunb is a Rebellion pilot, originally from the planet of Sullust. Characterized physically by pitch-black eyes and facial flaps reminiscent of a fish, Nien Nunb was the co-pilot to Lando Calrissian on the Millenium Falcon during the Battle of Endor in Episode VI. He was aboard the Millenium Falcon when that ship dealt the killing blow to the sinister Death Star II.
Max Rebo

Max Rebo is the head of the Max Rebo Band, seen playing at Jabba’s palace in Episode VI. His band is the one performing music when Oola is fed to the Rancor, and he travels on Jabba’s sail barge to the Sarlacc pit later on in this film. Physically, he resembles a blue elephant, and each of his fingertips has an orifice for suction.
Salacious B. Crumb

Salacious B. Crumb was another unsavory character found in Jabba’s palace in Episode VI. A Kowakian monkey-lizard, this diminutive character served as the de facto court jester for Jabba, as well as the Hutt’s pet. His shrill cackling laugh is Salacious B. Crumb’s most defining feature.
Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes

Alongside his band, the Modal Nodes, Figrin D’an is the frontman of the famous cantina band from Episode IV. A native musician from the planet of Bith, Figrin D’an played the Kloo horn in the lively jazz melody that so many Star Wars fans associate with the original trilogy.
Wicket W. Warrick

Wicket W. Warrick is an Ewok from the forest moon of Endor and is the first to meet Princess Leia in Episode VI. Wicket W. Warrick subsequently bests several Stormtroopers alongside Leia and brings her to meet the Ewok tribe. For this reason, he is integral to the success of the Rebel forces during the Battle of Endor.
Bib Fortuna

Bib Fortuna is a male Twi’lek from the planet Ryloth and serves as Jabba the Hutt’s right-hand man. He greets C-3PO and R2-D2 when they first arrive at Jabba’s palace and agrees to bring them to his master. Later on, Bib Fortuna falls to Luke Skywalker’s mind trick and allows the foundling Jedi access to Jabba, despite Jabba’s orders to the contrary.
Garindan ezz Zavor

Garindan ezz Zavor, also referred to colloquially by the name Long Snoot, is an Imperial spy who tracks down Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon during Episode IV. As his name suggests, Garindan ezz Zavor is identified most readily by the metallic anteater’s snout extending from his black cloth hood, as well as seemingly opaque black goggles.
Arvel Crynyd
Arvel Crynyd was a pilot for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. His most notable achievement was in the Battle of Endor during Episode VI. During this battle, Arvel Crynyd made a kamikaze run in his A-wing interceptor fighter, piercing through the command deck of the Star Destroyer Executor and disabling this ship in a strike integral to the battle’s outcome.

Boushh was a prolific bounty hunter originally from the planet of Uba IV. When Boushh died in relative secrecy, Princess Leia Organa assumed his armor and identity. It was this disguise that Princess Leia used to infiltrate Jabba’s palace at the start of Episode VI. However, she was found out quickly, as Boba Fett was already aware that she would be using this disguise, and informed Jabba accordingly.
The Sarlacc is the monstrous alien being living within the Great Pit of Carkoon. In Episode VI, Jabba brings Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca into the Tatooine desert on his sail barge, intending to feed them all to the Sarlacc as punishment for Luke’s killing of Jabba’s Rancor. After a successful escape plan by Luke, the Sarlacc ends up eating several of Jabba’s henchmen, as well as the bounty hunter Boba Fett.
Biggs Darklighter

Biggs Darklighter was a fighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance. A childhood friend of Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter grew up on Tatooine before heading to the Imperial Academy to study to become an Imperial pilot. Biggs and Luke reunite on Yavin 4 preceding the attack on the original Death Star, but Biggs Darklighter is killed by shots from Darth Vader’s personal TIE fighter during that attack.
General Maximillian Veers

General Maximillian Veers was a Major General in the Imperial Army. His most significant appearance in the original trilogy was in Episode V, where he is seen piloting one of the formidable AT-AT armored walkers during the Imperial assault on the Rebel stronghold on the ice planet of Hoth.
Garven Dreis

Garven Dreis was a fighter pilot for the Rebellion. As the head of Red Squadron, he took on the moniker of Red Leader during the attack on the Death Star in Episode IV. He was one of the first pilots to attempt a shot on the Death Star’s vulnerable exhaust ports with volatile proton torpedoes. However, after just missing his shot, Garven Dreis was shot down by Darth Vader.
General Cassio Tagge
As a member of the Imperial Army, Cassio Tagge was eventually promoted to the position of Grand General, and from there to the elevated position of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military. He is featured in Episode IV, shortly before the Rebel attack on the Death Star. In this scene, General Tagge demonstrates an uncommon awareness for threats by advocating his fellow commanders that the Rebel threat be taken seriously, particularly due to their recent garnering of support in the Galactic Senate.
Jek Porkins

Jek Porkins was a Rebel fighter pilot and a member of the Red Squadron under the call sign of Red Six. Porkins is recognizable by his rather portly appearance. During the Rebel attack on the first Death Star, Jek Porkins’ X-Wing starfighter is struck by space debris. Although Biggs Darklighter urges Porkins to pull back, Jek Porkins is certain of his ability to pilot under such adverse conditions and ultimately falls into laser fire from the Death Star and is killed.
General Vanden Willard
General Vanden Willard was a general amongst the Rebel Alliance. We are first introduced to him when Princess Leia Organa arrives at the Rebel base on Yavin 4 during Episode IV. Leia’s first question upon landing at the base is to ask for Willard’s whereabouts.
Momaw Nadon

Momaw Nadon is a male alien of the Ithorian species. He is known colloquially as Hammerhead doe to his physical appearance, which is reminiscent of a hammerhead shark with its head turned up. Momaw Nadon is one of the patrons of the Mos Eisley Cantina in Episode IV when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi first meet Han Solo and Chewbacca.
Doctor Cornelius Evazan
Doctor Cornelius Evazan is one of the patrons of the Mos Eisley Cantina. He is marked by the physical deformity of his face, the result of years of experimentation on his own body. He is the companion of Ponda Baba, and translates the unruly alien’s conversation to Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi during Episode IV. Ultimately Evazan is slashed by Obi-Wan’s lightsaber, whereas Baba is the one whose arm is famously chopped off.
Dex Tiree
Dex Tiree was a pilot for the Rebel Alliance, hailing originally from the planet Onderon. During the Rebel attack on the Death Star in Episode IV, Dex Tiree pilots a Y-Wing bomber starfighter as a part of Gold Squadron, under the call sign of Gold Two. Dex Tiree is ultimately shot down by Darth Vader during this battle.
Davish Krail
A fighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance, Davish Krail was originally from the planet of Dantooine. A member of the Gold Squadron, Davish Krail piloted a Y-Wing bomber starfighter under the nickname Gold Five. After an unsuccessful bombing run during the Rebel assault on the Death Star during Episode IV, Davish Krail attempted but failed to escape the laser attacks of Darth Vader’s starfighter.

The Dianoga is an alien species featured most prominently in Episode IV. It is made up of a series of tentacles, as well as a single eye-stalk, and occupies the trash disposal plant aboard the Death Star. The Dianoga is the creature that yanks Luke Skywalker below the murky surface of the trash pit in this famous scene but releases him as the walls of the trash compactor begin to close in.

Wuher is the human bartender present at Mos Eisley Cantina during Episode IV. He bears a strong prejudice against droids and insists that C-3PO and R2-D2 do not follow Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi into the Cantina. With a tough to rattle demeanor, he does little to object as his patrons are shot or maimed, as it’s all in a day’s work at the Cantina.
Also known as Labria, Kardue’sai’Malloc is one of the patrons of Mos Eisley Cantina during Episode IV. Marked by his devilish appearance, Kardue’sai’Malloc has red, leathery skin, pointed ears, and two vestigial horns on the top of his head. Alongside Garindan ezz Zavor, Kardue’sai’Malloc acts as an Imperial spy on Tatooine.
The Star Wars universe is massive and contains many more characters than the ones listed in this article. A number of these characters appear in the prequel trilogy as well, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
The cultural impact of Star Wars is immeasurable. While it has been over 40 years since the release of A New Hope, the original Star Wars trilogy remains one of the most captivating movie series in American cinema. Modern installments of Star Wars may have more impressive graphics and cinematography, but the original trilogy reigns supreme in the hearts and minds of Star Wars fans around the world due to it being the first of its kind, an epic science fiction thriller with gripping characters and a deeply thrilling story.
We’re drawn to the courage of Luke Skywalker, the loyalty of Han Solo, and the idea that good can always prevail over evil as shown by Darth Vader. Although the events of Star Wars occur in a time and place that is so foreign to us, it is these characters that continue to draw us back time and time again.